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Year 5

Year 5 Fun Run

Today, our Year 5 classes showed great determination, resilience and sportsmanship during our Fun Run. The children ran a long distance race around a muddy field and overcame obstacles faced, both emotional and physical! Well done Year 5 and keep being physically fit for life!

Art in 5M

Class 5M enjoyed exploring Van Gogh’s Starry Night painting, investigating the colours used and how they made us feel, along with the different textures created using various lines and paints. We then created colour palettes and experimented with lines and texture. Keep being creatively fit for life 5M!

5M Play Leader Training

Yesterday, 5M took part in their Play Leader training. The children worked as a team to plan, deliver and evaluate an engaging and entertaining game for our Year 1 children. The class showed fabulous teamwork skills, overcoming problems together and ensuring all of our Year 1 children were being physically fit for life! Well done 5M!

Harry Potter Costume Workshop

We had a super time learning about how the Harry Potter costumes were made and altered to fit the story. After looking at some of the costumes from the films we were able to use some of the techniques!

Year 5 Mayan Masks

We have been investigating Mayan masks in art as part of our theme this half term. We used our research to create and plan our own designs in our sketchbooks. Yesterday, we started to sculpt them using Modroc, it was lots of fun and the masks are looking fantastic!

Year 5 Space Dance

In Year 5 we created repeating motifs for our dance based on the theme of space. Watch us as during our initial ideas phase as we explore how different movements can represent different emotions.

Year 5 Tag Rugby

Year 5 enjoyed a Tag Rugby against other local schools. Well done to everyone involved, you all played very well!

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