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Year 4

Welcome to the Year 4 page!

On this page, you will find information about the Year 4 curriculum, expectations and how to support your child’s learning at home.  

Class 4N: Miss Neale (class teacher), Mrs Khan/Mrs Kandhai (PPA teachers) and Mrs Humphreys (learning support). 

Class 4S: Miss Shaw (class teacher),  Mrs Khan/Mrs Kandhai (PPA teachers) and Mrs Hussani (learning support). 

Location: Downstairs in the new building, the classrooms on the left by the woodland.

PE days: Wednesday (outdoor) and Friday (Indoor). Please ensure your child has the appropriate school PE kit (taking into consideration the weather) and trainers.

Homework: Spellings will run on a fortnightly basis. Children will receive spellings every other Monday through spelling frame and on a small slip of paper. They will be reviewed two weeks later. Children’s weekly homework and mental arithmetic will be sent out on a Tuesday and collected on the following Monday. Alongside this, we expect children to read at least three times a week, which must be recorded in their reading record. Also, children should be practising their times tables daily, in preparation for the multiplication check in the Summer term.

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