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Reception Super Readers!

Each half term, the names of the children who read 3 times a week, every week, are popped into a hat and one lucky winner from each class is pulled to win a special prize in assembly! This half term, our winners were Subhan (RC) and Khaisha (RB). They were super proud to show all of their hard work at home and they are very excited to read their new stories they won as prizes!

Remember, Remember…

The fifth of November! Bonfire Night and fireworks have been our theme this week in EYFS and we could not have been more excited. The children spent time engaging themselves in experiences all around fireworks and bonfires. They used their communication and language skills to discuss their experiences of fireworks and bonfire night (many of them having gone to a display at the weekend) and used drama to role play these out. They used their expressive art and design skills to make a range of fantastic artwork; using paints, carboard, tissue paper and glitter! Take a look at some of their wonderful work below!

The children in reception also had a great experience decorating firework biscuits! They loved using the different primary colours (which many of them found out could be mixed to make other colours!) in icing to add to their biscuit before adding sprinkles and glitter to make it look like a firework!

The Lollypop Lady Came for a Visit!

In reception, our theme this week has been all about people who help us and the jobs they do to support us to be happy, healthy and safe! The children learnt different Makaton signs for each of the jobs (see if they can remember any of them!) before having a very special visit from the lollypop lady! She spoke all about how she has been doing the job for almost 32 years and the importance of what she does. The children learnt so much about road safety, looking before walking and how people that help us are not just doctors, nurses and firefighters (although we had lots of fun learning about them too!).

Art Attack in Early Years!

This week the children in nursery and reception have been all about art, through their themed learning! In nursery, the children explored colours, colour matching and colour sorting. They have used their wonderful mathematics and art knowledge to produce a fantastic colour-matched rainbow for display!

In reception, we have taken our Me, Myself and I learning from body parts last week into our skeletons! We talked all about what our skeleton is and different types of bones (including how to keep them strong). We looked at the book ‘Funny Bones’ and used our art skills to produce cotton bud skeletons and watercoloured images from the story. The children loved their learning!

Welcoming the New Foundation Stage!

This week, all the children in reception and nursery have been welcomed to their new classes, new teachers and, for many, their new school. We have spent lots of time learning new routines and settling in to our new environments. Our theme this half term is Me, Myself and I and we focused on ourselves; from our faces to our feelings. We have made self portraits, created name trains and produced emotion plate faces. They have all had a wonderful first week!

Reception – Australia

In Reception we have been learning about Australia. We went on a very long flight all the way there, needing our boarding passes before we could enter the plane. We travelled over land and sea and finally arrived at our destination. We have explored some different landmarks found in Australia and after all that exploring we needed some refreshment! We made our marmite sandwiches, carefully spreading our ingredients on our bread. Lots of us really enjoyed the marmite… some of us were not so sure! Our journey around Australia will continue tomorrow!

Alistair Patrick Heselton visit

Reception took part in a workshop today run by the Paralympian and footballer Alistair Patrick Heselton.

He got the children moving and playing games. There were lots of tasks teaching the children to be a ambitious and giving things a go.

Planting and Growing

This week we have been exploring planting. We had great fun being gardeners and have planted sunflower seeds, mint, wildflowers and basil to use in our mud kitchen

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